Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Earning my Stripes

The phrase to "earn one's stripes" is defined as "to gain a position through hard work and accumulated-experience". There have been quite a few times in my life when I've recognized the truth of this phrase, and I was faced with the reality of it again today. I have finally been cleared to volunteer coach with the football team, and this afternoon was my first interaction with many coaches and players. I was very sobered in my thinking--it's going to take a long time to earn the trust of not only these players, but also the coaches.

After I left I talked to my college defensive coordinator, which was most helpful. "You know how much you know. I know what you know. They don't know anything about you or what you know," he said. This is so true. No one up here knows anything about us. They don't know my football background. They don't know how long we have been planning to move here, or how our hearts bleed for the city. But one of the suggestions my coach gave me was to take some of the coaches to lunch. I can do that. I also think I'll be able to give some players rides home after workouts. Hopefully soon I'll be able to be in the weight room during school hours. These things I can and will do...and hopefully, eventually, I'll "earn my stripes", opening the door to many gospel conversations.

1 comment:

revmhall said...

praying for you Shane. Glad to know you've been cleared. Hang in there, we both know it will only take walking with them for a while, especially through a football season, to connect in those relationships!